
Learn what you can do with a degree from our Geography and 可持续性 programs!


The Department of 地理、地理信息系统、 and 可持续性 (DoGGS or GGS)  includes the Geography and Geographic Information Science (GIS) and 环境 and 可持续性 研究项目.

学生 in the Geography program study the environmental, cultural, political and economic processes that produce distinctive local, regional and global patterns across 地球表面. 地理是为数不多的有桥梁作用的学科之一 自然科学和社会科学之间的差距. 地理学家分析复杂的相互作用 among these spatial processes create constantly changing human and natural landscapes 世界各地.

学生 interested in 环境 and 可持续性 Studies will learn to understand and address the significant challenges facing a growing human community dependent 皇冠app安卓下载安装有限资源. 环境与可持续发展研究采用动态方法 that requires the study of multiple disciplines and perspectives to address human problems which require sophisticated understanding of interacting systems: natural, 经济、历史、美学、社会文化、空间和政治.

学生 can elect to major in in 环境 and 可持续性 Studies or Geography with one of three emphasis areas: Geographic Information Sciences (GIS), Global and 区域研究和中学教学. 辅修课程包括地理、地理信息系统和 环境研究.


UNC GIS学生共同领导年度地图马拉松,以支持人道主义努力


UNC, in partnership with Colorado State University and Front Range Community College, is gearing up for their annual Mapathon — an event where a group of people come together 在某一天自愿完成一个集体测绘项目. 这次事件中, 定于11月. 16, 2022, 4-6 p.m.我支持 失踪的地图, an open, collaborative project co-founded by the American Red Cross that empowers 志愿者绘制人道主义组织工作区域的地图. 马拉松,一部分 NOCO GIS日, is sponsored by UNC’s Department of 地理、地理信息系统 and 可持续性 and is co-led this year by UNC students Sarah Karr and Joseph Andrade-Schuch, along with local map 专家兼演讲嘉宾迈克·汤普森. 

For Karr, a senior Psychology major with a double minor in 环境研究 and GIS和andade - schuch,一位环境与可持续发展研究专业的大四学生, 这次活动不仅是锻炼他们的领导能力和地理信息系统技能的机会, 而是成为具有全球影响力的事物的一部分. “我认为这是一个真正的 cool thing for UNC to do, because it's solely humanitarian work,” Andrade-Schuch said. “做这件事的都是志愿者,所以没有人得到报酬. 如果有 危机发生在我们绘制地图的地区,我们就是绘制地图的人. 这类工作 让你感觉良好.” 


加布里埃尔·斯坦顿今年获得了著名的菲尔普斯家庭帽奖. 多么令人印象深刻的!


我是UNC大三的学生,攻读法语和地理双学位. 我也参加了 在荣誉课程中,我致力于保持4分的GPA.0. 作为转移 student from a small community college, I was not sure what to expect from UNC faculty 和学生. 皇冠app官方版下载的每个人都达到并超过了我的期望. 是谢谢 to my professors that I decided to pursue the Honors program and challenge myself 不仅仅是完成课程. 在学习了难民的各种地理知识之后 于是,我决定投身于格里利的难民社区. 我现在是 soccer coach with Soccer Without Borders and I coach a team of girls from refugee 背景. 在训练、游戏和学术辅导课上,我为他们提供 a safe environment to learn social skills, self-advocacy, and healthy physical and 情感的习惯. 我和这些孩子在一起的时光给我留下了难以磨灭的印象. I treasure this opportunity to give back to my community and pay forward some of the 我得到了爱和支持. 一旦我从皇冠app官方版下载毕业,我计划与重新安置工作 难民和寻求庇护者.



Geography students Austin Mullins, Nathan Ovalle, and Ana Palacios were recognized 在4月10日的颁奖典礼上. 祝贺你! 


荣誉环境 可持续性 students Kathryn Haskins, Timothy Chambers, Tyler DeLorenzo, Madeline Ponce Valenzuela, and Audrey Tubbs were recognized on April 10th for excellence 在他们的项目中. 祝贺你! 


The 人文社会科学学院 recognized outstanding faculty on April 14, 2019. Dr. 凯伦·巴顿被授予大学学者奖. 祝贺你!


Jieun李 and Ivan Ramirez (Instructor, University of Colorado) received a grant of $41,298 from Colorado Evaluation and Action Lab Funding for their project “Social Determinants of Health in Colorado:  Spatial Analysis of Housing Affordability, Health  Issues, 和卫生保健可及性.“使用人口普查区层面的全州数据,这 study will employ Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to investigate the spatial relationships between asthma prevalence, lead exposure, and mental health (defined as suicide mortality, alcohol consumption, and substance overdose) as compared to 提供负担得起的住房和获得医疗/精神保健. 这 study will result in a series of maps that can assist the state and other governmental partners to more effectively implement affordable housing and health care accessibility 策略.


教育探险! 皇冠app官方版下载出国留学调查

Dannon Cox with the 研究生会 recently published a podcast with 特邀博士. 她在书中讨论了海外留学项目的影响 对学生的影响,以及她即将到来的尼泊尔探险. 



詹妮弗·梅伦谈到 worked with the Intermountain West Ecological Forecasting Team on developing predictive model to help locate potential locations for Lodgepole pine stands in Colorado, Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming in order to point to vulnerable stands in case of a future Mountain 树皮甲虫侵扰. 除此之外,她的团队还提供了更多的技术成果 一个皇冠app安卓下载安装他们的项目和方法的3分钟视频.


地理、地理信息系统 & 可持续发展学生焦点

洛根迈尔斯, an Anthropology and Geography major, had the opportunity to go overseas to Spain 并进行水下考古研究. 他曾经就读的学校 a part of focused on an ancient Roman military port that was embedded in one of Spain's 沿海港湾.

His team built off of previous seasons' data and expanded the school's knowledge of 海湾的水下环境. 他们收集数据的技术包括水肺 diving at a depth of about 10-25 meters while surveying the ocean floor for artifacts. When his team found an object of interest, the items data was collected via GPS points, pictures, and video to use for ArcGIS mapping, possible artifact recovery, and protection 从劫掠者那里得到的藏物. 总的来说,这段经历让他有机会去国外旅行 location surrounded by dedicated individuals doing what he loves and, in his opinion, 这所学校是首屈一指的,因为它点燃了他终身职业生涯的开始. 



Professor Jimmy Dunn and a crew of five students headed north for summer research 以及在加拿大北极地区的发现. 

"I don't think there's a more profound way to learn than to do something like this."


地理、地理信息系统的职业 & 可持续性

When you choose to pursue a career in 地理、地理信息系统、 or 可持续性, you'll have 许多选择和机会的专业化和专注. 职业道路包括 work in business, with community organizations, in GIS, government, natural science, 规划、资源管理、可持续发展、教学和交通. 取一个 look at the type of work you'll be doing, and read about some of our alumni in the 场. 

地理位置 & GIS事业    环境 & 可持续发展事业
